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:: Volume 15, Issue 1 (2023) ::
RME 2023, 15(1): 40-49 Back to browse issues page
Compliance of Activity During Internship With the Job Conditions of Medical Laboratory Graduates
F Saba * , K Hoseini , M Mirzai , R Zomorodi
Department of medical laboratory sciences, School of Paramedicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran , Fakhredin.saba@gmail.com
Abstract:   (538 Views)
Introduction: Internship training has an important role in the students' program and is known as one of the main parts of professional training. The presence of training problems can affect the quality of education. The purpose of the present study was evaluating the rate of compliance of the implementation of internship activities with the job conditions of the laboratory science.
Methods: This study is a descriptive- cross- sectional study that used the census method as sampling. The inclusion criteria was laboratory science experts(36) graduated in Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences in 2019, and were working in the government centers of Kermanshah Medical Sciences. The data collection tool included a researcher- made questionnaire on the status of internship training in the field of laboratory science. The validity and reliability of the tool was confirmed through the opinions of a number of professors and Cronbach's alpha, respectively. The data were analyzed by Spss.
Result: The most important problems of internship training of laboratory science from the staffs` point of view include the educational environment including physical space (36.1%), educational facilities and equipment (41.7%) and the not- enough educational cases (36.1%) and some items related to educator characteristics like low supervision of the practical skills (27.8%), the lab staff treats to students (38.9%).
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that by improving the laboratory environment and modifying some items related to the educator, the educational problems of laboratory science students can be somewhat reduced.
Keywords: Medical Medical laboratory Science, Intership, Students, educators
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Educational Adminstration
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Saba F, Hoseini K, Mirzai M, Zomorodi R. Compliance of Activity During Internship With the Job Conditions of Medical Laboratory Graduates. RME 2023; 15 (1) :40-49
URL: http://rme.gums.ac.ir/article-1-1259-en.html

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پژوهش در آموزش علوم پزشکی Research in Medical Education