Volume 8, Issue 1 (2016)                   Res Med Edu 2016, 8(1): 65-71 | Back to browse issues page

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Abedini-Baltork M, Mansoori S, Bagheri S, Asadnia M, Mirza-aghaee M. A Comparative study to Research Approaches in Iranian Medical Journals. Res Med Edu 2016; 8 (1) :65-71
URL: http://rme.gums.ac.ir/article-1-158-en.html
Young Researchers and Elite Club,Shiraz Branch, IslamicAzad Universiry,Shiraz,Iran. , abedini.gilan@gmail.com
Abstract:   (5725 Views)

Introduction: Continuing advances in society is due to research in all fields and in this  regards , study of research methods has considerable importance in scientific understanding and improving quality of research. This study aimed to explore research methods in the field of medical sciences so that identifying current situation move toward development of medical knowledge through original research.

Method: This study is content analysis on 150 articles extracted from the last ten number of medical journal. selection of journals was based on 2 criteria, and among them ten journals have been reviewed randomly, two criteria including "medical sciences journal" in  the title of publication and index in 2012 also, research method, sampling method ,statistical population ,data collection tools and methods of analyzing data were examined.

Results: The findings indicate that quantitative method  in 109 articles(72.6%) and quantitative sampling in 111 cases(74%)  were used respectively ,patients as  statistical population were considered in 57 articles(38%) and tests were used as tools in 64 articles(41.6%) and finally, descriptive analysis was used for declaring results in 81 articles (54%).

Conclusion: result show that most researches have been done through quantitative approach in medical fields and human regards as main subject in medical researches , thus focusing on constructive –interpretive paradigm  and qualitative methods must be considered.

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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: research management

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