Volume 12, Issue 4 (2021)                   Res Med Edu 2021, 12(4): 16-28 | Back to browse issues page

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Azizi S, Bagheri M, karimi moonaghi H, Mazloum S. Comparison of the Effect of Two Educational methods of Jigsaw and Feedback on the Level of Satisfaction of Nursing and Anesthesia Students of Mashhad School of Nursing and Midwifery. Res Med Edu 2021; 12 (4) :16-28
URL: http://rme.gums.ac.ir/article-1-917-en.html
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran/Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran , Bagherim@mums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2952 Views)
Introduction:Today student-centered teaching has been emphasized by educational experts. Learning through feedback and jigsaw are two student-centered teaching methods of interactive - reflective approaches in which students are active in the classroom. This study compared students' satisfaction with two methods of teaching feedback and jigsaw.
Methods: This experimental study was performed on 65 nursing and anesthesiology students of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. Six Common theoretical sessions related fundamental of nursing care were selected to perform the intervention. Students' satisfaction was assessed through a researcher- made survey form included three domains and 24 items. For analyzing data, SPSS and Descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney statistical test  were used.
Results: A comparison of the satisfaction score between Jigsaw teaching method and feedback showed a statistically significant difference(p=0.001) and it was found that the satisfaction with the Jigsaw method in all three areas studied included: time, skills development and interest in motivation, significantly more than feedback method (p=0.002)
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the dynamic and passive teaching method of jigsaw and the involvement of more students in the teaching-learning process, makes students more interested in relevant topics and the use of these teaching methods, while familiarizing students. With new educational methods, it can lead students to self-learning
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Teaching Method

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