Volume 14, Issue 4 (2023)                   Res Med Edu 2023, 14(4): 4-15 | Back to browse issues page

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Department of Educational Sciences, Darreh Shahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Darreh Shahr, Iran , omidvandad@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1275 Views)
Introduction: Universities of medical sciences are the pillars of the health system, and Accreditation is one of the methods of evaluation of these universities. Therefore, the aim of this study was identification and ranking of  effective factors on proper implementation of accreditation at Zabol University of medical sciences .
Methods: The research method was a combination of qualitative and quantitative survey and data collection was library-field using questionnaire. Statistical community in the qualitative section was 20 experts in  the related fields, and the statistical population in the quantitative part included all managers and faculty members of Zabol University of medical sciences that 120 people were selected by Cochran formula as a statistical sample. Sampling in the qualitative part was purposeful and in quantitative part, was random sampling. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 93 items, which included 20 dimensions of factors affecting accreditation. The statistical methods used in this study were confirmatory factor analysis, factor load and t-statistic by bootstraping method through Smart PLS and SPSS.
Results:  Based on results 20 dimensions and 109 components were identified.The identified factors were effective in the path of proper implementation of accreditation in Zabol University of medical sciences as follows: The dimensions of clinical education  (961.0), financial management (930.0), educational and administrative atmosphere (929.0), goals and missions of the university (918.0), organizational structure (910.0) ), Information Technology (903.0), Management (902.0), Teaching-learning process (902/0), Education staff (899.0), Learners (894.0), Humanities resources (894.0), Services and Facilities (888.0), Learning Resources (881.0), Organizational Citizenship (803.0), Accreditation (734.0), Research Services (717.0), Quality Assessment and Quality Assurance (713.0), International Cooperation (699.0), Innovation and Entrepreneurship (670.0) and Cultural Programs (610.0).
Conclusion: According to the results and common presentation of medical sciences education with health care services, reviewing accreditation indicators particularly in clinical education because of no attention to clinical education components in accreditation components of medical sciences universities, is necessary.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Educational Adminstration

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