Research in Medical Education- About the Journal
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Journal Information
Title   Research in Medical Education
Title Abbreviation   Res Med Edu
ISSN  2008-7284
E- ISSN  2008-952X
Email / edcjour 
Journal Disciplines  Any area of   Medical education based an community needs- Medical curriculum planning- Appropriate method of education in medical sciences-Continuous education in medical sciences-Management of teaching in medical sciences-Educational technology in medical sciences- Assessment and evaluation in medical sciences education- Appropriate methods of exam and educational development assessment-Comparative studies in medical education-Virtual education and E-learning-Topics in the psychology of learning-Ethics, professionalism, law, legal, and economics in medical sciences education-Policy, leadership and educational management in medical sciences
Language Persian Full-text/ English Abstract
Start Year   Spring 2007
Frequency   Quarterly  
Owner Organization  Guilan University of Medical Sciences
Editor-in-Chief  Mirsaeed Attarchi , MD
Publisher   Guilan University of Medical Sciences
Status   Active
Refereed   Double-blind Peer Review
Type of Access   Open Access (OA)
Full text available format   PDF
Type of License   CC-BY-NC
Document Identifier Type   DOI

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