Volume 8, Issue 3 (2016)                   Res Med Edu 2016, 8(3): 53-60 | Back to browse issues page

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pourghane P, Rajabpour -Nikfam M. Experiences of Nursing Students and Clinical Teachers about Clinical pharmacology course: A Qualitative Study. Res Med Edu 2016; 8 (3) :53-60
URL: http://rme.gums.ac.ir/article-1-380-en.html
Nursing education dept, langroud nursing and midwifery-para-medical school, guilan university of medical sciences, Iran. , rajabpur.maryam@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (9897 Views)

Introduction: Empowering nursing students for this critical profession is one of the objectives of school of nursing and educational programs are based on clinical training. In this regards, knowledge of pharmacology is an important part of nursing clinical performance also, teaching and learning about pharmacology is important too. This study aimed to explain experiences of Nursing students’ and Clinical Teachers’ about the course of "Clinical Pharmacology "in the nursing curriculum.

Methods: This Study is a qualitative design, using a conventional qualitative content analysis approach. The statistical population included clinical instructors and nursing students in Guilan University of Medical Sciences. Sampling was selected through a purposive sampling strategy and semi structured interviews were held in order to collecting data and Continued until data saturation. Analyzing data  was performed as per the stages recommended by Graneheim & Lundman (2004).  Research strength and its scientific accuracy were evaluated as per the criteria proposed by Guba& Lincoln.

Results: The data analysis revealed 3 main categories and 8 sub categories: Learning in practice (effective learning, short time to learn, short-term retention)" Challenges in offering course" (mismatch between workload issues and amount of the course, Many issues training in a short time)"time for offering the course:(repeat offering the course, offering course in higher terms, offer ing course with related Courses.

Discusion: based on findings, participants' subjective experiences show some good experiences and some bad experiences. Also, Many participants experiences indicate inadequate issue of education and learning and amount of the course. Again, the experience of many samples show necessity to repeat offering the course ,offering course in higher terms and synchronization of offering the course and  the related lessons.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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